20 Ways to Bring Joy+Gratitude Back into Your Life

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!

Today’s post is all about joy+gratitude! It’s so easy in our busy, crazy, chaotic lives to feel upset and worried, overwhelmed and exhausted that we can forget to make time for the things we really love to do.

Want to shift that mindset?

Focus on those objects of joy around you. What are you grateful for? Those things that you may be ignoring or have forgotten that make your heart sing - and you will find that you are much less likely to feel upset or worried, weary or exhausted.

So how can you focus on joy+gratitude when life seems less than joyful?

Well, you make the decision - here and now - to focus on it. Might seem too simple - but often it is the simple decisions that can change our mindset so dramatically and end up changing our life.

To start, make a list of 50 things that bring you joy and what you are grateful for. This can be your activity to complete on your own or include your family! We are putting a large sheet of paper on our kitchen table before Thanksgiving dinner and will use lines, shapes, colors, words and images to fill it up!

Check out ideas other ideas below to get you started!


Make your list of 50 things - they are not things that you mildly enjoy… things that make you grin.  Fifty things might seem like a lot - but just trust me.  Give it a shot. It doesn’t have to be a day long outing - it can be as simple as watching the sun set. Or giving your loved one an extra long hug when they come home from work. Crawling into bed with fresh clean crisp sheets.  And then schedule time for ONE of those things each week for the next 4 weeks.  If this means saying NO to something that you feel obligated or pressured to do - then do it!  Make some space for joy.  Your brain will thank you!  Some ideas to get your brainstorming started!


20 Ways to Bring Joy+Gratitude Back into Your Life


  1. Pick some fresh flowers or greenery.

  2. Discover a new happy song or inspiring podcast.

  3. Fill your diffuser with an uplifting scent like citrus or woody oils.

  4. Make some art. Get lost in the creative process.

  5. Wear a color that makes you feel like a badass.

  6. Reconnect with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.

  7. Have a picnic in your backyard or hot chocolate in a snow fort.

  8. Make that recipe that you’ve had on your fridge for 6 months.

  9. Put on some music and dance!

  10. Play a board game with your loved ones on the next rainy day.

  11. On that same rainy day -  find a puddle and jump in it.

  12. Take a nap.

  13. Have a bubble bath (or foot soak) when everyone else in your life is busy.

  14. Go for a bike ride a hike or snowshoeing.

  15. Go for a leisurely walk - without your phone.

  16. Donate your unwanted items to someone in need.

  17. Laugh -put on a funny movie, plan a date or phone chat with someone hilarious in your life.  Laughter is good for the soul… and the brain.

  18. Write down 3 things you are grateful for.

  19. Make a list of 5 things you love about your significant other and/or kids and surprise them with it.

  20. Make a commitment to doing one thing a day that adds joy to your life.

Health & Happiness,

P.S. Head over to the Facebook group, Motherhood Connections: Supporting Your Family’s Emotional Health Naturally, and share your top three! Let’s come up with some ideas to make mindset shifts happen!

Holistic Lifestyle to Support Emotional Health

Choosing to live a holistic lifestyle is to treat and care for your body from the inside out. A natural approach addresses the body's needs and root causes offering safe benefits to enhance physical and emotional health without added side effects.

Our bodies have 3 brains! The mind, the heart and the gut. The mind houses logic and intellect including the subconscious mind that directs over 90% of our behaviors. The heart which houses our intuition. There are actually more neural pathways that run from the heart to the brain than from the brain to the heart. And finally the gut. The gut and brain are in constant bi-directional connection and since 80-90% of the body’s serotonin and other feel-good chemicals are produced in the gut it’s important to support a healthy microbiome. Our daily rituals & diet truly impact our emotional health and well-being.  Balancing our healthy bacteria in our gut influences our overall behaviors by creating neurotransmitters through digesting what we eat. Supporting your gut health with a diet rich in whole foods including vegetables, fruit, healthy fats, efficient water intake, exercise, high quality probiotics and multivitamins will help to balance your overall emotional health. We hold the power in the foods we choose to fuel our bodies, the activity and ways we move our bodies, the quality of sleep we obtain, how we manage stress levels, support our emotional health, the care we take to rid our homes of excess toxins and the time we gift ourselves for restorative self-care. Let's break it down for you. 


>Proactive medical care is in the forefront of caring for your emotional health. I have found that food allergy and food intolerance tests often help individuals to get to the root cause of their gut health and can help lead to deeper healing of the whole body. Just because a food is healthy doesn’t mean that your body responds that way. Food allergies generally have an immediate reaction such as a rash or stomach ache, they are often easier to discover on your own. Food intolerances are much trickier as they usually don’t have an immediate reaction, but they are impacting your immune response and lead to lowered immunity, brain fog, slow digestion, leaky gut, headaches, skin irritations, mood crashes and instability to name a few. It’s often not immediate so it can be really hard to target what it is. Symptoms can also show up more if your body is already run down and working extra hard. This will not be covered in depth in this program as it is a program within itself. I do recommend getting in contact with your provider to further this discussion and ask about their recommendations for food intolerance tests as well as hormone testing. 

>Reducing our toxic load in areas that we can control is another beneficial way to support our emotional health. Chemicals in our homes that we clean with and put on our skin can disrupt our hormones leading to a wide array of physical and psychological disruptions. Learning how to reduce the toxins we use in our homes is an important first step to getting to the root cause. The average woman applies 200+ chemicals onto her body daily. And studies have shown that home cleaners are just as toxic to our lungs as smoking cigarettes. Yikes!

On average it takes less than a minute for most of these toxic chemicals to enter our  bloodstream. We then absorb up to 60% of what we put on our skin. Children actually absorb 40-50% more than adults. So scary! These dangerous toxins are found in everyday essential items such as body wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, make up, perfume, toothpaste, lotion, hair products, and skin care. Conditions linked to the accumulation of these toxic chemicals include infertility, breast cancer, hormone imbalances, autoimmune diseases, skin damage, thyroid imbalances, birth defects, liver and kidney disease, and advanced skin aging. 

There are more options! 

This was a crucial piece in our family learning how to truly care for our bodies and once we began it became super fun and empowering! The products my family and I use are plant based and don’t contain any of the alarming fillers. I know I am supporting our wellness each and every day. We have completely removed all hazardous and toxic body products, home cleaners, and irritants like candles and air sprays. It gives me such a peace of mind knowing I’m doing all I can to take care of our physical and emotional health. If you need any help getting started or suggestions on what to exchange in your home, please ask! 

>intentional self-care is also an important component of healthy living. Journaling, taking a bath, reading, creating, hiking, biking and setting healthy boundaries for yourself are all part of self-care. Self-care is welcoming in more of what truly brings you joy and replenishes your mind and body. 

>rest+stress management. It is essential for our bodies to get adequate rest. The hours vary for each individual. You can use a variety of apps to track your sleep to give you more insight.  Also learning ways to effectively manage your stress is crucial to thriving. Stress will always be present in our lives, the way we manage it is what impacts our physical and emotional health.

>Moving our bodies helps to shake up the stagnant energy in our cells. It helps to release stress reducing hormones and all the feel good emotions. This doesn’t have to be dreaded or strenuous activity, just something you enjoy and gets you moving. A walk, stretching, yoga, elliptical, hiking, etc. 

>Fueling our bodies is crucial in supporting your emotional health. The fundamental supplements I use and recommend, add daily support with minerals, micronutrients, and healthy fats. They include essential oils to enhance the absorption of nutrition on a cellular level.  The foods you eat are also a crucial piece to supporting your hormones and emotional health. Reaching for sugar, alcohol and caffeine are only going to increase your feelings of overwhelm, brain fog and energy crashes. I’m not saying you have to avoid at all times, but noticing how you feel when you indulge and the after effects of your mood are imperative to helping overcome emotional overwhelm. Besides choosing healthier options, eating regularly is also important. Have you noticed in yourself or others that when we are hungry we become hard to rationalize with and become more irritable. Hence the word, hangry. Fuel your body with healthy foods you love. Mix it up with new recipes when you notice yourself drifting towards the foods that don’t make you feel so good. 

I know the hardest thing sometimes is just getting started, which is why I put together my 5 best getting started tools into a new, free guide where I combine art, mindfulness and essential oils to help clear thoughts, energy and stress.

You can grab your free download here

Health & Happiness, 


Unplug and Restore

Taking time to unplug can be a key step to restoring our sanity and making a mindset shift.

​Your social media habits could be changing your brain and affecting your behavior and mindset in ways you can’t even imagine. Unfettered access to unlimited information is a powerful tool but checking our phones every time a new Facebook notification pops up (giving our brains a dopamine fix) can actually become a physical addiction. 
 Research has shown that the “likes” and clicking and scrolling activates the pleasure center in our brain - making us crave more. Before we know it, we’ve lost 20 minutes scrolling.  

​​Even more important - social media is a highlight reel - not real life.  And research shows us that our self esteem takes a hit and our mental health nosedives when we get caught up in the comparison trap.

​​No one is that put together all the time. 

​​No one’s children are THAT well behaved all the time. 

​​It’s not reality. 

​​So take back your precious resource of time and give your mindset a break and step back. 

The time has come… to disconnect. It can be for as short or long as you want it to be.  Put your phone in airplane mode on the kitchen counter and take a walk. Take a bath.  Go into your room and close your door. Go read a magazine in the bathroom. Check out the hand out of the day for 15 easy ways to detox from social media without losing your mind.  Choose 2 new strategies to implement and COMMIT to putting them into action today.


13 ways to unplug (just in case you’ve forgotten how)


  • Put your phone away at dinner. Connect with those you are eating with.

  • Even better - institute a cell phone basket. Everyone puts their devices into the basket when they enter the house.  You can also implement it for shorter periods of time - during meal times, after dinner, for one hour before bed.

  • No electronics in the bedroom - the bedroom should be reserved for sleep and sexy time.  Leave the devices out of it.

  • Uninstall unnecessary apps from your phone - take a look and see how many of those apps are integral for your daily life.  Get rid of the extra noise.

  • Reply to your emails all at once (set a specific time) rather than replying as they come

  • Turn off your notifications. There is no reason a phone needs to be chiming all day. It’s time to implement healthy boundaries.

  • Get up and get out.  Go for a walk, go for a hike, schedule an outing with your kids.  It’s much easier to stay off social media when your body is moving!

  • Cut down on the guilty pleasures.  If you’re following the Kardashians and endlessly Google cat videos and love scrolling Reddit, pick just one to focus on for now.  That will automatically reduce your scrolling time!

  • Stop oversharing.  Not everything we do has to be documented on social media.  It’s not like the tree that fell in the forest.  If you go for a walk and don’t post a pic to instagram - the walk still happened.

  • Get a library card.  Reading can be a way of relaxing and “checking out” too… but it actually improves mental health rather than damaging it.

  • Set limits on your social media and online time.  For example, no social media after 8pm and before 9am.  No social media on the weekends.

  • Turn your phone off at work.  Mixing work and social media = a world of distractions.

  • Make it a group effort!  You will be more successful when you have the support and accountability of those around you.  So get your hubby, wife, kids or best bud on board.

Start with 1 or 2 and see how it improves areas of your emotional health.

Health & Happiness,


Aromatherapy Play Dough

We’ve been working hard to establish healthy boundaries in our home. Working from home is hard! I’ve been navigating this for nearly 8 years and still learning.

I feel the guilt of stepping away from mama time as I switch gears to serve others. Educating and helping others truly make my heart sings so it’s a beautiful balance to seek.

The kids want to join in with my work. I don’t blame them, my job is pretty awesome, getting to paint, create essential oil blends and helping peeps support their emotional health. Pretty darn cool.

Yet, I don’t get anything done with a toddler swinging her water bottle around while sitting on my laptop and the preschooler using all my art supplies all over my notes. 🤣🤪

Our mama time this week started out with making all these yummy aromatherapy play doughs. It only took about 15 minutes to make all the dough and they had fun mixing the colors and picking the scents. Then they magically played with it for over an hour so I could get in a consult with a client.

I’m here to help you creatively find some mama time too!


Follow these instructions to make your own Aromatherapy Play Dough!

2 cups flour
2 cups colored water (we use natural food coloring for this!)
1 cup salt
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
5—7 drops of essential oils (or to your preference)


  1. Combine all ingredients, except for essential oils, in a large saucepan and stir until combined.

  2. Once combined, put over medium heat. Using a spatula, continue to stir ingredients together until it forms a ball. It happens quickly! Note: Don’t overcook as it will lead to dry play dough.

  3. Remove from heat and cool on parchment paper.

  4. Once cool, add 5-7 drops of your favorite essential oil and knead until thoroughly combined. I love to let my kids join in this part!

  5. That’s it you are ready to rock! Just store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator for months of fun.

Essential oils provide a powerful and effective way to support our moods. Here is a look at the ones we used in our rainbow selection of play dough.

Balance: grounding blend to support anxious feelings

Wild Orange: uplifting and calming all in one plus supports healthy immune response

Lavender: calming and supports a healthy immune response

Adaptiv: calming blend that also provides an uplifting boost

Lemon: uplifting, refreshing and cleansing

Citrus Bliss: flowers in a bottle for supporting mood

You can grab our favorite oils here!

Health & Happiness.


P.S. I would love to see what you make and hear about your experience! Post a picture on your social media and tag me! @kaylahelenske

Natural Solutions to Support Your Emotions

Aromatherapy/What are essential oils


Aromatherapy is an extremely powerful way to impact our emotional wellbeing through topical and aromatic use of essential oils. When applied topically the essential oils enter through our skin making it possible for them to impact every cell in our body.


Our nasal passages are a direct pathway to the limbic system of the brain, this is where the amygdala processes the body’s emotional responses. Simply inhaling the aromatic compounds of an essential oil is an effective way to calm the nervous system, reducing anxious feelings or uplifting your mood. This can be done by placing a drop in the palm of your hand and cupping your nose, placing oils in a diffuser or smelling topically applied oils whether on diffuser jewelry or the skin throughout the day.


The close connection between smells and emotions becomes evident in our everyday life as certain scents trigger memories and feelings impacting our moods and emotional regulations. This is why going for a walk in nature is so beneficial in shifting our moods or walking into a restaurant cues your appetite. The olfactory centers are also intricately linked with the hypothalamus, an area of the brain that controls physiological functions throughout the body. The hypothalamus is influential by interacting directly with the pituitary gland, a small gland located in the brain. The brain communicates with the pituitary gland to secrete hormones involved in the regulation of stress, hunger, thyroid, sleep, libido, and memory. Because of the direct link between the olfactory system and the brain, the tiny molecules in an essential oil are capable of interacting directly with the hypothalamus, influencing neurochemistry throughout the body thus impacting overall health and wellbeing.

Essential oils are a pure liquid extract from seeds, leaves, bark, stems, root and peel of plants. They are steam-released or pressed from the actual plants. They are concentrated, fast acting, and quickly absorb into the skin and contain no additional processing, preservatives, or other additives. They are used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness purposes and have been used for hundreds of years. 


Essential oils are natural, effective and safe aromatic compounds extracted and distilled from plants for health benefits. They contain hundreds of different compounds, providing complex and versatile abilities to combat threats without building up resistance. They work with the body to address issues and root causes on a cellular level and impact the overall vibrations on the system. Choosing Quality Essential Oils is important to ensure they are pure and free of toxins, pesticides, weeds, and fillers, artificial ingredients, and chemical substitutes. Choosing a quality essential oil will also ensure their potency and overall therapeutic benefits. 

Essential oils have the ability to shift our moods depending on the makeup of the specific oil from calming and energizing to renewing, reassuring and grounding.

You can grab my free guide on how to incorporate essential oils into your self-care to reduce stress here

Health & Happiness, 


Curious what art therapy is and how it can benefit you?

What is Art Therapy?


Art therapy is a means of utilizing art materials to allow thoughts and feelings to move as you dialogue with your inner canvas through lines, shapes, and colors giving image to what the experience feels and looks like in your body. The art allows you to capture a moment- a tactile representation of your thoughts, feelings, as well as further connect and reflect upon what is working, not working or perhaps missing in your life. The process of creating also allows for a cathartic experience, expelling built up stress, anger and/or grief.


As an art therapist I look further at the metaphors inherent in the art making process. For example, building a volcano out of clay and then using a variety of liquid watercolors placing drops of colors representing all the pent up thoughts and feelings percolating in one's body. Once the maker is finished they witness the volcano erupting as a symbolic experience of what happens when we bottle up emotions. The actual feelings of anger, sadness, and grief are emotions experienced by everyone, withholding these feelings and suppressing them can impact our physical and mental health, as well as relationships with others. Through the process of art therapy individuals may learn what different materials are capable of creating and how the creative process feels both physically and emotionally.

Art therapy is utilized with individuals, families and groups and can be explored with a variety of mediums to create paintings, drawings, sculptures, and collages amongst many other types of art.


Two main approaches to art therapy are utilized; art as therapy and art psychotherapy. Art as therapy allows the inherent therapeutic process of creating art to relieve an individual's suffering, whereas art psychotherapy uses art to aid in the process of conventional talk therapy.


Curious to learn more? I know the hardest thing sometimes is just getting started, which is why I put together my 5 best getting started tools into a new, free guide where I combine art, mindfulness and essential oils to help clear thoughts, energy and stress. 


You can download my free guide here with the 5 practices I use to reduce stress. 


Health & Happiness, 


A Holistic Art Therapist’s Guide to Helping Children Process Complex Emergencies

Children are at-risk when their intellectual prowess, emotional stability, or social skills are deficient and/or their basic needs are not met. With the current pandemic, powerful natural disasters, increase of mass shootings, and other complex traumas the need for emotional support is ever growing. Utilizing holistic modalities such as art and essential oils empower children in their healing journey. The following article will provide educational tools for helping children process trauma in response to natural disasters, mass shootings and other complex emergencies (referred to as complex emergencies here on out).

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A Holistic Art Therapist’s Guide to Helping Children during Uncertain Times

A Holistic Art Therapist’s Guide to Helping Children during Uncertain Times

The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has raised a variety of questions and concerns for parents and caregivers regarding how to support their children physically and emotionally. Utilizing holistic modalities such as art and essential oils empower children in their healing journey. The following article will provide educational tools for helping children process trauma in response to the outbreak.

Art Therapy

What is Art Therapy? Art therapy breaks the barriers for children to express themselves without a dependency on words. Art therapy also gives children a safe place where they can learn how to use new materials expressing inner feelings, sublimate inappropriate behaviors, and learn social skills. A variety of art mediums can be used with children depending on their individual case. While an art material may be beneficial to one child it may be detrimental to the condition of another. An art therapist is professionally trained knowing the assets, limitations, and metaphors when choosing the best material for a client. During individual sessions children can create art to express their feelings, bring an awareness to their inherent strengths and previous coping mechanisms, as well as gain a sense of normalcy to the emotions they are having.

Behavioral and emotional responses. When working with children during uncertain times such as a viral outbreak, it is important to identify the actual emotions the child is experiencing. There are many different kinds of emotions that can accompany a complex emergency such as the child’s sense of safety and security at home, school, around the neighborhood, daily rituals being interrupted, or the death of a loved one. The child might be processing family stress due to the potential loss of their incomes, fears of empty supermarket shelves as people prepare for the worst-case scenarios.

Like adults, children also experience and process loss stress in a variety of ways. Some children might not express emotions, and adults need to understand that those individuals need the same kind of support as a child who outwardly is more expressive with their emotions. Children also have their own set of coping strategies that can be expressed in a variety of ways. It is often difficult to communicate overwhelming feelings while also reliving the fears through dreams and nightmares. It is important to provide the child a safe space to explore their feelings and cope in their individual ways as well as provide them with other effective coping strategies. Following stressful experiences a child might become withdrawn, angry, depressed, anxious, insubordinate, restless, or regress amongst other behavioral changes. Children need a space that is free from the chaos that is happening around them by eliminating or limiting the amount of media they are exposed to. Creating a safe space for a child free from the media to express their emotions can allow them time for processing and feel a sense of normalcy back in their life. 

How caregivers can navigate support at home. When supporting children, one must be empathetic and listen to the child, while also encouraging them to tell the story of what is happening from their perspective. This allows the child to choose the pace while exploring the thoughts and feelings surrounding the current situation. Storytelling is beneficial to help normalize and universalize the child’s thoughts and emotions surrounding the trauma, as well as allow the individual to describe their version of the story and circumstances surrounding their everyday life.


Children who have not developed the language skills needed to tell their story can create images as their response to the trauma. It is also beneficial to use books when working with children. Storytelling can be done in a variety of ways depending on the child’s interest and cognitive and developmental levels. Perhaps writing poems for older kids or creating visual stories with drawings along with conversation bubbles. Playing with toys, dolls and sand tables are also beneficial ways to allow children to express their stories and overall feelings.

Using essential oils to support emotional needs. Essential oils are natural, effective and safe aromatic compounds extracted and distilled from plants. They are concentrated, fast acting, and quickly absorb into the skin. Aromatherapy is an extremely powerful way to impact our emotional wellbeing using essential oils. Our nasal passages are a direct pathway to the limbic system of the brain, this is where the amygdala processes the body’s emotional responses. So simply inhaling the aromatic compounds of an essential oil is an effective way to calm the nervous system reducing anxious feelings and/or uplifting your mood.

Essential oils from citrus fruits, herbs, flowers and tree can offer emotional support and comfort in times of trauma. Some suggestions for use are; Comforting Blend, Grounding Blend, Restful Blend, Ylang Ylang, Siberian Fir, Geranium, Cedarwood, Melissa, Lavender, Frankincense, Birch, Marjoram, Juniper Berry, Wild Orange, Lemon, Encouraging Blend, Renewing Blend, Basil, and Lemongrass. Create a diffuser or roller blend to assist in processing trauma, loss and grief, and emotional pain during transitional phases that are causing heightened stress, anxiousness, and restlessness. Essential oils can be an effective tool to help in releasing a multitude of heavy emotions allowing one to move forward in life.

Kayla Helenske Art Therapy

Art therapy interventions. Art therapy is a beneficial treatment for children struggling from crises that are affecting the individual’s everyday life. Children are free to explore their inner feelings in a nonjudgmental environment accompanied by an art therapist. An art therapist provides children with art supplies and knowledge of how different media are used while guiding them through the creative process allowing them to make sense of their experiences and further process loss and grief and empower them to be in control of their healing journey. Art therapy can teach children to communicate thoughts and emotions not easily vocalized using various art materials to visually move the trauma out of their body.

When selecting art supplies to use with children after complex emergencies, one must be aware of the various metaphors inherent in the materials. Drawing materials can be offered to children to allow for control while depicting their story. Paint is more often used to increase an individual’s free flowing expression of emotions. The therapist must critically think about the individual’s abilities and state of mind when offering paint.

Collage materials are another valuable material to offer children because they provide images readily available for children to gravitate towards helping to depict their inner story and they are easy to work with offering the child a sense of mastery. Later on, children can be offered three-dimensional materials such as Model Magic to begin reconstructing their environments. Art therapist might also choose to have more direction within the therapy sessions. A variety of directives have been used with this population and all act as a beneficial part of the healing process. Some of the directives include, creating murals, feeling maps, memory boxes, paper Mache expression masks, and self-portraits of the individual before, during, and now.

Every child has their own unique way to cope with stress. Some children do not express emotions, some act out or regress in their natural behavior, and others become anxious. It is important to allow the child to tell their story and also identify their own personal losses and feelings surrounding the situation. Art therapy can be a beneficial way for children to express their thoughts and emotions following crisis situations. Some children use art to tell stories and recreate images of their experience, while others choose to use art as catharsis and relaxation. Whichever way a child chooses to use art, creating inherently allows the individual to become an active participant in their healing process.

My go to trauma essential oil recipes.

 “I am Comforted” 10 ml Child Essential Oil Roller Blend: 4 drops Steadying Blend, 2 drops Juniper Berry, 2 drops Siberian Fir, 1 drops Cedarwood, 2 drops Lavender and top with carrier oil of your choice.

“I am Releasing” 10 ml Childhood Trauma Essential Oil Roller Blend: 3 drops Helichrysum, 3 drops Frankincense, 3 drops Melissa, 2 drops Reassuring Blend, 2 drops Renewing Blend and top with carrier oil of your choice (to make for an adult, just double the drops of each oil).

Health & Happiness.


Download [FREE GUIDE] 5 Practices for Ambitious Moms in Times of Overwhelm to Reduce Stress here.

Kayla Helenske, MA, LMHC, ATR

For more information about my services and offerings please visit: www.kaylahelenske.com

Urban Retreat: Expressive Painting

New Dates Just Released Today! Register today to secure your spot and join us for an inspiring, playful, and transformative weekend. http://www.expressivejourneysarttherapy.com/workshopsretreats/


2017 Urban Retreats: Expressive Painting

Explore expressive painting and mixed media in an intuitive and process focused way that is healing, playful, and transformative.


Winter Retreat 1: January 28+29 (an amazing time to find yourself settling in to the new year and focusing in on wishes and intentions for the year to come).

Winter Retreat 2: February 25+26

Spring Retreat 3: March 18+19


Saturday 3-7:30pm

Sunday 10-5pm


Come let go and explore your inner canvas. The Urban Retreat will take place at Circle of Art Studios located in the Magnolia neighborhood in Seattle, WA. Filling the studio with our expressive journeys, connecting with our inner canvas and collaborating with each other will transform and help you to reconnect with your creative spirit.

We will spend time painting in silence and listening to music. Building layer upon layer. Scraping and carving away at previous layers. Processing and sifting through inherent metaphors that are brought to light. Be prepared to let go and invite the unexpected to emerge during this rich and restorative workshop.


About the Retreat:

We will awaken our inner canvas painting throughout the workshop on a 24x24 canvas as well as create a soulful and intentional collage. The process of creating is in and of itself therapeutic. The process of painting from within can be transformative for many, often bringing to light parallel issues from what is coming up for them in their painting and what is happening in their everyday life. Perhaps feeling stuck and afraid to move forward or make mistakes on a canvas speaks volumes to how one experiences life on a day-to-day basis. This type of painting allows for one to try on new ways of being, explore, play, make mistakes, and take new risks. A beneficial practice for professional artists as well as those who haven't used art supplies since childhood. We will also be integrating mindfulness through witness writing to create a deeper connection to the process.

All materials will be included. At the end of the retreat you will have created two pieces that are filled with emotional content as well as a new approach to your art making experience. You will also have the opportunity to create an intention setting (motivate, tension release, joyful, balance, etc) essential oil mist and rollerball to take home, bringing the experience along with you. Saturday night we will end our session at a nearby Puget Sound beach releasing our fears and letting go of what is holding us back (driving access and beach parking make it accessible for everyone).

Some thoughtful words I have recently received about my classes

Kayla's studio is cheerful and welcoming, and she brings so much positive energy to class. I joined her Intuitive/Expressive Painting Series as a total novice; her encouragement to be curious and experiment with an open mind made it such a fantastic experience. Definitely recommended!


I so enjoy working with Kayla! I am on my 3rd intuitive painting class and I love the atmosphere and the setting and the freedom and encouragement to step out of my comfort zone in the world of painting.


Every time I leave Kayla’s studio I feel lighter on my feet.


Registration & Payment

Cost: Includes all materials and a nutritious snack each day. $350

A payment plan is available for the retreat. The final payment is due prior to the start of the retreat. A $100 non-refundable deposit is due at time of registration to secure your spot. Space is limited so register today to secure your spot.

Expressive Journeys Art Therapy and Mental Health Counseling

Kayla Helenske, MA, LMHCA is co-owner of Circle of Art Studios where she teaches art classes and operates her art therapy and mental health counseling practice, Expressive Journeys.  Helenske’s practice is unique to the area being the only mixed media and pottery studio for kids and adults to also include art therapy and mental health counseling services.

Helenske supports individuals in moving forward and growing healthier lives and relationships through holistic and creative processes. For over 15 years Kayla has been weaving her love of art, healing and community through her own art process, teaching art, facilitating art therapy groups and meeting with individual clients and families. Helenske focuses her practice in working primarily with children, teens and women with a multitude of presenting symptoms such as anxiety, depression, loss and grief, emotional regulation, life transitions, self-esteem and social skills.

Art therapy is a means of utilizing art materials to allow thoughts and feelings to move as you dialogue with your inner canvas through lines, shapes and colors giving image to what the experience feels and looks like in your body. The art allows the maker to capture a moment- a tactile representation of thoughts, feelings, as well as further connect and reflect upon what is working, not working or perhaps missing from their life. The process of creating also allows for a cathartic experience, expelling built up stress, anger and/or grief. The actual feelings of anger, sadness and grief are emotions experienced by everyone. Withholding these feelings and suppressing them can impact our physical and mental health, as well as relationships with others. As a client centered and strength based therapist, Helenske also intertwines mindfulness in her practice guiding clients to note how they feel before, during and after art making which is often accompanied with witness writing their thoughts. 

Along with meeting with individual clients, Helenske offers group work including Women’s Identity and Stress Reduction, Intuitive Painting Classes and The Art of Friendship: A Social Skills Group for kids. Friends and families can also schedule private sessions to come together to process loss and grief, transitions or reconnect as a family through art making.

Circle of Art Studios offers a multitude of services including mixed media and pottery classes for kids and adults, art+wine events, raku parties, team-building events and birthday parties. If you are looking to reconnect with your friends and family, let Circle of Art Studios help you host your next gathering. Please visit www.CircleofArtStudios.com for more information.

You can learn more about Kayla Helenske and her practice, Expressive Journeys at www.ExpressiveJourneysArtTherapy.com and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.