Environmental Overhaul: Decluttered Space, Decluttered Mind

Hi there!


Is your environment making you feel chaotic and overwhelmed?  We all know that we are affected by our environment - but you may not realize how much your surroundings are affecting your mood and mindset. The negative effects of the seemingly unimportant can have on our brains is shocking. Creating an optimal environment at your home or office is vital for you to start thriving, being happier, more focused and relaxed. 


You can shift your mindset JUST by making some simple changes to your surroundings.  Think about it - do some rooms make you feel depressed?  Do some spaces make you feel lighter?  Does a particular color make you feel anxious? Relaxed?  This isn’t just about making your environment pretty - you can make specific changes to make your surroundings work for you.


So right now, just have a look around you. 


How do you feel in the space you are in right now?  Pick the top 3 words that come to mind. 


What about the spaces you spend the most time in? What do you need to do to make it a more enjoyable, more joyful and ZEN space? New storage containers for kids toys, new plants, declutter the countertop, organize the bookshelf.  Clutter can be mental, physical or emotional but it’s extra “stuff” that clogs up your space and clouds your mindset.   Pick two of the tips from today’s hand out and start overhauling your environment!


5 simple tips to create your EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY space.


  1. Start small.  Pick one space and start making it your happy place. Don’t try and do your entire house all at once.

  2. Make it inviting and represents you - pick some fresh flowers or greenery or choose new artwork that connects with you (you are worthy of beautiful spaces).

  3. Organize your digital space!  Organize the files on your desktop. A desktop with 50 icons looks chaotic.  Organized into tidy folders?  Bring on the zen!  Clean out your inbox.  Having 1,500 unread emails = overwhelm.  Unsubscribe from any newsletters or notifications that aren’t integral to your daily life. 

  4. Be the gatekeeper of your space - Make a rule that if you don’t absolutely love it and if it doesn’t make you smile - it doesn’t come into the house.  Keeping things streamlined and creating the perfect space is a lot easier when you reduce the number of things in your space.


  5. Determine what your perfect storm is.  Not everyone wants a perfectly clean environment. Maybe you are inspired by having a stack of books around you or the notes from your last meeting with a client.  Maybe you need a bit of mess to be motivated to rock your life.  Take a few minutes and determine what “perfect” means for you.